1. Sign the Rejoin petition
2. Share the Rejoin petition
3. Write to or Email your MP about the Rejoin petition


Once signed, you will be presented with
various ways to share it on that page!


Please can you follow it up with a letter or email to your MP
along the following lines (as much as possible in your own words).


On the website above, put in your post-code
and it will take you to your MPs contact details!


Highlight and Copy the Email text from below to paste
into your Email text body, ensure to edit the parts in green
according to the guide below the text.

Dear [MP's Name] MP

As you may be aware, a petition for the Government to “Apply for the UK to join the European Union as a full member as soon as possible” (petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700005) has received over 120,000 signatures and will be debated by MPs in Westminster Hall on 24th March 2025.


As a constituent who has signed this petition, please can I encourage you to attend this debate and to speak up in favour of this.

Kind regards
[Your Name]
[Your Address (in constituency)]

At this point in the middle of the email, please add any personal stories or relevant facts, for example any of the following in your own words (please don’t just copy and paste them or they are likely to be ignored)

Brexit has not brought any tangible benefits and there are no future prospects of any. The country has changed its mind & it's time to recognise this.
Joining the EU would boost the economy, bringing inward investment, frictionless trade and economic growth, benefiting industry and consumers alike.
Joining the EU would increase global influence, amplifying the UK's voice on the global stage, allowing it to influence EU policies and regulations that impact international trade, security and environmental standards.
Joining the EU would improve collaboration, providing access to science & research projects and giving UK citizens the right to live, work and study across member states, and therefore enhancing cultural exchange & personal opportunities.
Joining the EU would bring more stability & freedom.

And that's it, you're all done!
Thank You for helping to put #RejoinEU on the agenda!
Please share this website so more follow in your footsteps!

Robert McMaster & team